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Program Quality Award

ver. 2021.9.13. / Program Quality Committee 2021-2022, District 93
ⓒ 2021. Toastmasters International. all rights reserved. 

Club Award

Excellence in Club Leadership

Criteria Guide
1) Submit CSP(Sep, Feb) twice
2) Submit MOT(Sep, Feb) twice
3) Attend COT(min. 4 officers) twice
4) Attend ACM(min. 1 officer) twice
5) Attend DCM(min. 1 officer) twice
Complete 8 out of 10 officer duties listed above from July 01, 2021 to May 31,2022 

Recognition Scheme: Certificate for each officer (1st and 2nd term officers) / D93 merchandise

CSP: Club Success Plan / MOT: Moments of Truth / COT: Club Officer Training / ACM: Area Council Meeting / DCM: District Council Meeting

CSP Submission
Submission screenshot sample 
MOT Submission
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Ours is the only organization I know dedicated to the individual,
we work together to bring out the best in each of us and then we apply these skills to help others.
Ralph Smedley

Individual Award

District Trainer Award

Criteria Guide
PQC Trainer Points / Score 5 points or more from July 01, 2021 to April 30, 2022
Point System: Give an educational training at
1) Other club (as a guest):1pt
2) Events above the club level: 2pts
3) Conference:3pts (note: must be all different topics)

Recognition Scheme: D93 certificate / Outstanding pin / D93 merchandise 

Point Submission
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We build new clubs and support all clubs in achieving excellence.

District Mission
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We build new clubs and support all clubs in achieving excellence.

District Mission