mobile background
We need fewer rules on detail and better understanding of general purposes.
Ralph Smedley

True Maroon

Hex #772432

C12 M95 Y59 K54

R119 G36 B50

Pantone 188

Loyal Blue

Hex #004165

C100 M43 Y12 K56

R0 G65 B101

Pantone 302

Cool Gray

Hex #A9B2B1

C23 M7 Y12 K18

R169 G178 B177

Pantone 442

Happy Yellow

Hex #F2DF74

C0 M5 Y57 K0

R242 G223 B116

Pantone 127


Deleted accounts
17 Jan 2020
Views 186

0 0


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True Maroon

Hex #772432

C12 M95 Y59 K54

R119 G36 B50

Pantone 188

Loyal Blue

Hex #004165

C100 M43 Y12 K56

R0 G65 B101

Pantone 302

Cool Gray

Hex #A9B2B1

C23 M7 Y12 K18

R169 G178 B177

Pantone 442

Happy Yellow

Hex #F2DF74

C0 M5 Y57 K0

R242 G223 B116

Pantone 127

mobile background

We build new clubs and support all clubs in achieving excellence.

District Mission