Award Committee Chair: Melanie Oh, IP2
Program Quality Committee 2021-2022, District 93
Quick Move ▼
Recognition Scheme: Certificate / D93 merchandise
Recognition Scheme: Certificate / TI Pin / Special conference name tag
Recognition Scheme: TI certificate / TI Pin / News articles & interviews on the district webpage
Recognition Scheme: TI certificate / Mentor Pin / News articles & interviews on the district webpage
The Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) award represents the highest level of educational achievement in Toastmasters.
Recognition Scheme: TI official certificate & plaque / D93 merchandise / News articles & interviews on the district webpage
The Toastmasters International Accredited Speaker Program is designed for professional speakers who combine expert knowledge in a particular subject with mastery of the spoken word, making them sought-after experts in their respective fields.
Recognition Scheme: Award at the Toastmasters International Convention
Recognition Scheme: D93 certificate / Outstanding pin / D93 merchandise
Recognition Scheme: Certificate of Training Completion for training attendees and D93 merchandise for the voting judges who attended the training
Recognition will be given by the chief judge of the given contest
Recognition Scheme: Certificate for each officer (1st term only) / D93 merchandise
Recognition Scheme: D93 merchandise for all the conference registrants from the speech champion’s club
Recognition Scheme: Certificate for each officer (1st and 2nd term officers) / D93 merchandise
CSP: Club Success Plan / MOT: Moments of Truth / COT: Club Officer Training / ACM: Area Council Meeting / DCM: District Council Meeting
Recognition Scheme: Certificate for each officer (1st and 2nd term officers) / D93 merchandise