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Continue the Momentum

2024-2025 DISTRICT 93 VISION

Ⅰ. Pathways Training for Beginners

English Session Ⅰ

Cliff Reeves|Trainer

00:00 Introduction 

00:27 Toastmasters The Basics

01:46 Pathways Competencies and Learning Paths

05:23 Pathways in Online - Just Log In

13:29 Certificate of Completion

English Session Ⅱ

Stella Ra|Trainer

00:00 Introduction 

00:36 Pathways Basic 

03:07 Pathways Terms 

05:12 A structure of the Path 

08:50 Closer look to the Level 1 (Presentation Mastery) 

11:11 Closer look to the Level 2 (Presentation Mastery) 

12:10 Closer look to the Level 3 (Presentation Mastery) 

13:24 Closer look to the Level 4 (Presentation Mastery) 

14:18 Closer look to the Level 5 (Presentation Mastery) 

20:30 Self-Quiz 20:54 Practice(Path Selection) 

29:25 Practice(Accessing Base Camp) 

30:25 Practice(Finishing a project) 

45:20 Practice(Finishing the Level) 

48:45 Q&A 

49:12 Q1) Any tips for simplifying and navigating the website? 

55:08 Q2) I finished the project but the blue button still shows "launch" 

01:00:37 Q3) How can I cancel a project? 

01:06:10 Q4) I enrolled in 2 paths but I only can find just one path.

한국어 세션


00:00 교육 소개 

2:21 토스트마스터즈 소개 

3:25 패스웨이즈 기초 

11:48 실습 ( 소개) 

15:50 실습 (패스 선택하기) 

23:12 Q1) 패스 선택 후에 변경할 수 있나요? A1) (채팅창 답변) 패스 선택 후 30일 이내 토스트마스터즈 인터내셔널에 컨택하여 변경 가능. 자세한 내용은 패스웨이즈 FAQ 15번 항목 참고.

23:40 Q2) 듀얼 멤버십의 경우 무료패스가 두개 제공되나요? 

25:51 실습 (베이스캠프 접속하기) 

43:00 실습 (참석자 베이스캠프 화면공유) 

58:22 Q3) 프로젝트 순서를 바꾸어서 진행해도 되나요? 

59:32 실습 (레벨1 달성 인증받기) 

01:04:45 Q4) 연설 마친 후 베이스캠프에 어떻게 적용하나요? 

01:05:34 Q5) 보통 레벨1 완료하는 데 시간이 얼마나 걸리나요? 

01:10:04 Q6) 준비된 연설 진행 후 받았던 연설평가를 베이스캠프에서 확인할 수 있나요? 

01:14:30 Q7) 제 베이스캠프 화면이 트레이너의 베이스캠프 화면과 다릅니다. 

01:16:32 Q8) 패스웨이즈 매뉴얼에 따른 프로젝트를 수행하면 배지를 받을 수 있나요? 

01:18:01 Q9) 클럽 모임별 담당했던 역할의 히스토리를 베이스캠프에서 확인할 수 있나요? 

01:20:40 Q10) 베이스캠프에서 프로젝트별 진행일을 확인할 수 있나요? 

01:22:16 Q11) 연설이 프로젝트와 같은 개념인가요? 

01:22:34 Q12) 자기소개연설 이후 연설 진행 시, 참고해야 하는 정해진 단계가 있나요? 

01:23:38 Q13) 레벨1을 마치기 위해서는 베이스캠프 레벨1에서 보이는 프로젝트를 수행해야 하나요? 

01:30:19 Q14) 레벨1에서 레벨5까지 각 레벨별로 수행해야 하는 프로젝트의 개수를 알려주세요.


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Pathways was introduced to District 93 on May 3, 2018.

District 93 was part of Region 13 at that time and the initial roll out date was postponed. Additionally there was a two year period for members to transition from the traditional program to Pathways. Since July 1, 2020, all members of District 93 have been required to complete projects within the Pathways program.

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Base Camp is the online platform where Pathways can be managed.

You can find every resource you need in PDF format including project manuals, evaluation forms, certificates of completion, etc.

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By default, the vice president education (VPE) will assume the role of Base Camp manager, however the club president and secretary also have access to Base Camp. The Base Camp manager helps facilitate your progress by verifying your level completion, approving requests and more.

In the event that the VPE isn’t able to perform these duties, or if a club does not have a VPE, the Base Camp manager responsibilities will be fulfilled by the club president or club secretary.

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Each Path is comprised of 5 levels, with a total of 14 projects in one path. Please check the distribution of projects per level below.

(Level 1) 3 required
(Level 2) 3 required
(Level 3) 1 required + 2 electives
(Level 4) 1 required + 1 electives
(Level 5) 2 required + 1 electives

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Presentation Mastery or 프레젠테이션 마스터하기
* Please note that Paths in English and Korean are recognized as separate Paths.
This path is focused more on speeches, and less leadership.

We highly recommend that all club members do Presentation Mastery as their first path.

You can share tips with each other much more effectively. Additionally, you can have more confidence in your 2nd path after completing PM.

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Yes you can change your path if it has been less than 30 days since your purchase and if you haven’t completed Level 1. Otherwise, you will need to purchase additional paths for $20 (USD).

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No! If you wish to work on several different Paths at the same time, it is up to you.

You can do one path at a time, but you also can do more than one path at a time. For more information, you can purchase additional paths for $20 (USD) at

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Yes, you can see them regardless of your current level by searching through the curriculum in Base Camp.

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Every path has its own purpose, characteristics, and process. Some projects appear in multiple Paths.

Currently, there are about 60 projects, which make 11 paths with 14 projects each.

You may not want to focus on the manual guidance itself, but how to sync with your path’s purpose. For example, if you choose to do two paths such as Presentation Mastery and Engaging Humor, you might decide to create different Icebreaking speeches to align with the intent of each Path.

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  1. Prepared speakers need to download the evaluation form (PDF). These forms are avalable in the Base Camp Tutorials and Resources section.
  2. Either prepared speakers or the club vice president education can send the form (PDF) to the speech evaluator before the meeting.
  3. The speech evaluator will write their feedback and send it to the speaker in any format, preferrably a pdf or scanned file.
  4. Speakers can keep the evaluation form in their archive folder on Base Camp, or however they wish to save the file (on their own desktop, etc).
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There are various types of leadership projects and the level and scale of the project is up to you. You can select any project you feel comfortable to start with. Example projects are:

  • (Understanding Your Leadership Style) Leadership style questionnaire
  • (Making Connections Through Networking) Attend a networking event
  • (Manage Change) Create a change management plan
  • (Manage Project Successfully) Build a team and Create a project plan
  • (Lead in Any Situation) Serve in a leadership role for a minimum of 6 months
  • (High Performance Leadership) Select, lead, and complete a project with a team
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In Pathways, you have the opportunity to develop your skills as a successful mentor.
All members in Pathways must complete the first project of the Mentoring Program in Level 2 called “Introduction to Toastmasters Mentoring”. Once Level 2 has been completed, members can request the remaining Pathways Mentor Program projects to complete at any time. These projects are free and are not required.
In the Pathways Mentoring Program, you’ll evaluate your goals and strengths as a mentor, then develop mentoring skills as you serve first as a short-term mentor and then as a long-term mentor.
The program includes resources to help you learn how to mentor successfully. Once you have completed all projects in the Pathways Mentoring Program and completed a full path, you will officially be a Pathways Mentor. This will be indicated in your profile in Base Camp.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Clubs should continue the process they currently use to mentor new and seasoned members. This does not replace what clubs do for mentoring, but provides an opportunity for members to develop more skills and experience in mentoring.

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The Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) award represents the highest level of educational achievement in Toastmasters.

To earn the DTM, you are required to:

  1. Complete two learning paths.
  2. Serve as a club officer for 12 months, participate in the preparation of a Club Success Plan, and participate in a district-sponsored club officer training program. (If your club has six-month terms for officers, you can fulfill this requirement by serving as a club officer twice, but you don’t have to do it in consecutive terms.)
  3. Serve a complete one-year term as a district officer.**
  4. Serve successfully as a club mentor or coach.**
  5. Serve successfully as a club sponsor or conduct a Speechcraft or Youth Leadership program.
  6. Complete the DTM project. (Members are required to create and implement a project of their own design, in which they demonstrate the skills and expertise they have gained.)

* Please refer to the Distinguished Toastmaster Award Application for a complete list of requirements.

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As the Speechcraft name implies, it was created to help people turn their speaking skills into a craft—to help them advance their professional and personal communication through a condensed version of the Toastmasters member experience. In a four-, six-, or eight-week program, participants, who are called Speechcrafters, have the opportunity to boost their confidence as they improve their communication, public speaking, and leadership skills, all within the safe environment of a Toastmasters club. After completing the course, they may be inspired to continue their Toastmasters journey by visiting or joining a club.

For more information, please visit

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The Youth Leadership Program is a workshop consisting of eight one- to two-hour sessions that enable young people under the age of 18 to develop their communication and leadership skills through practical experience. The program is presented during or after school, or on weekends. In the workshop, young people learn valuable skills including:

  • Evaluating their own speaking ability
  • Preparing and giving speeches
  • Giving impromptu talks
  • Controlling their voice, vocabulary and gestures
  • Giving constructive feedback and more
  • How the program works

Participants in the Youth Leadership Program are selected by a sponsoring Toastmasters club or by a cooperating organization (such as a school). The workshops are structured for small group learning and are limited to 25 students. They are presented by a coordinator who attends each meeting. Meetings generally follow a format similar to that of a Toastmasters club meeting, with an announced agenda that includes practice in parliamentary procedure, prepared and impromptu speeches and the selection of presiding officers.

For more information, please visit

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Club sponsors are those who help charter a new club.
Their duties include:

  • Organizing new club
  • Generating interest and enthusiasm for the new club
  • Recruiting members
  • Setting up regular club meetings
  • Submitting all paperwork to World Headquarters

The names of sponsors appear on the Application to Organize which is sent to World Headquarters. The district director or club growth director can also appoint sponsors.

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Club mentors receive the baton of support and development of the new club from the club sponsors. Club mentors are experienced members who may join the newly chartered club and provide support and guidance through the new club’s first six months to one year. They are the advisors and tutors for new clubs and have a great effect on the degree to which a new club succeeds. Their duties includ:

  • Ensuring the club is strong and fully functional.
  • Confirming that officers understand their duties and have the tools they need to perform them.
  • Helping the club have quality club meetings.
  • Building and maintaining membership.

The names of mentors appear on the Application to Organize which is sent to World Headquarters. The district director or club growth director can also appoint mentors.

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Club coaches are experienced Toastmasters who assist in rebuilding club membership and restoring club quality for a struggling club (having 12 members or less). A successful club coach will:

  • Build rapport with club leaders and members
  • Instill enthusiasm, comradery and structure within the club
  • Assess the club environment and recommend best practices for success
  • Work with club leaders to develop a Club Success Plan
  • Encourage the club to strive for Distinguished Club Program (DCP) recognition
  • Coaches who help clubs achieve Distinguished status or higher in the Distinguished Club Program will receive credit in the education program and a certificate of accomplishment.

Ⅲ. Resources

Toastmasters International

District 93

김도형, DTM

프로젝트 목적


연설 주제/소재


김도형, DTM

Level 5 공통 프로젝트 6개 개요 안내

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