ABOUT ㅣ 소개

Beyond Clubs



컨퍼런스 의장

In perfect Toastmaster’s fashion, our job is to serve our conference planning-committee chairs by providing overall conference direction and support when needed. It’s been an exciting journey and is surely taking our communication and leadership skills BEYOND. We look forward to seeing you all at the conference!! 

우리는 최고의 컨퍼런스를 위해 컨퍼런스 준비 위원회를 지원하고 방향을 이끕니다. 지금까지 준비하며 정말 재미있고 우리의 의사소통과 리더십을 가진 것 너머(BEYOND) 기를 수 있었습니다. 모두 컨퍼런스에서 뵙기를 희망합니다. 토마를 넘어서!

Scott Kines 스캇

Conference Chair

  • Division D Director
  • Gachon Global Leaders TM Treasurer
  • Bundang TM
  • Toastmasters since July 2018

Bomyoung Ryu 유보명

Assistant Conference Chair

  • Gachon Global Leaders TM President
  • Toastmasters since April 2020

We build new clubs and support all clubs in achieving excellence.

District Mission