Continue the Momentum

2024-2025 DISTRICT 93 VISION


클럽 모임 절차

구 웹사이트 원본 데이터 / 수정 예정


Call meeting to order (Chairperson)

Welcome guests and ask for guest introductions

Read the Toastmasters mission statement

Toastmaster’s session (Toastmaster)

Opening remarks(Introduce theme)

Introduce General Evaluator

Introduce Role Takers & Answer Theme Question (General evaluator)

Introduce Timer, Ah counter and English gramarian

Give control back to Toastmaster

Table Topic Session (Table topic master)

Explain the rules and the theme

Get volunteers to answer the table topic questions

Call for Timer’s report and vote for the best table topic speaker

Give control back to Toastmaster

Prepared speech Session (Toastmaster)

Introduce speakers ( Speaker, Evaluator, Speech title etc. )

1 min silence after each speech for giving feedback

Break time

10 mins Break *room fee to receptionist

Table discussion (Table discussion master)

Explain the rules and the topic

After getting two teams, have a 5 minute discussion time for the teams to prepare

The teams take turn giving their speech

Evaluation Session (General Evaluator)

Introduce evaluators

Receive feedback from the evaluation team

Award Session (Toastmaster)

Present awards and closing comments

Give control back to chairperson

Meeting closes (Chair person)

Club announcements

Go through the agenda for next week

Guest comments

Call meeting to adjourn

We build new clubs and support all clubs in achieving excellence.

District Mission