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Continue the Momentum

2024-2025 DISTRICT 93 VISION


디스트릭트 공고

AreaYou are invited to the Area 34 Joint Meeting.

Youngman Park
25 Oct 2023
Views 1112

Date: 10 am - 12 pm Nov 5th

Venue: Gwanggyo Purunsup Library (131, Gwanggyohosu-ro, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do)

Kakao Map:

Participation fee: 2,000 Won (per adult) (free for under 18s)

Participation registration form:

Greetings, fellow Toastmasters,

I'm reaching out as the Area Director of Area 34 to invite you to our upcoming joint meeting. This event promises to be a showcase of the incredible talent, dedication, and passion found within our community.

Here's why you should join us:

Expand Your Network: Connect with fellow Toastmasters from various clubs within our area. Share experiences, insights, and stories.

Witness Excellence: Experience some of the best speeches from our area's top communicators.

Special Guests: Immediate Past District Director Sean Jeong and Program Quality Director Scott Wayne Kines will provide valuable speeches and evaluations to elevate your speaking skills.

Celebrate Our Community: Come and appreciate the camaraderie and support that defines our Toastmasters spirit.

Your presence and participation will not only enrich the meeting but also strengthen the bonds of our Area 34 community.

Let's make this joint meeting memorable. Please mark your calendars and join us!

Participation registration form

Warm regards,

Youngman Park

Area Director, Area 34

Toastmasters District93

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