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2024-2025 DISTRICT 93 VISION


디스트릭트 공고

AreaArea 33 International Speech Contest

Jooyoung Kim
19 Mar 2024
Views 521

We are thrilled to extend a warm invitation to you for the Area 33 International Speech Contest! 

This exciting event promises to showcase the eloquence and inspiration of our talented speakers as they deliver powerful and engaging speeches.

*** detailed infomation ***

Date: March 23, Sat

Time: 11:00am - 13:00pm

Venue: Pangyo Senior Welfare Complex, 2nd f (판교노인종합복지관 2층)

Transportation: 10 min walking distance from Pangyo Station, exit 3 

(please refer to the map for shortcut route from Pangyo metre with an overpass crossing)

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