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District2022-2023 District93 Education Award

Ki Yeong Han
22 Oct 2022
Views 1326

Hello! District93 Toastmasters members

I am Ki Yeong Han, award committee chair.

I'd like to announce 2022-2023 education award. 

*"Level completion" has been changed to "Level1 Completion"

Award committee has announced that every member who completes a level will get a coffee coupon at Club Officer Training in July. However, we have changed its eligibility from members who complete 'a level' to 'level 1' for more efficiency.

Members who completed any level during July~September 2023 will get coffee coupon, but level1 completion award will be given only to members who complete level1 from October.

I hope all District93 members have fun during their toastmasters journey and enjoy awards as well!

Ki Yeong Han, Education Award Chair

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