2024-2025 DISTRICT 93 VISION
클럽과 디스트릭트의 행사 및 소식을 올려주세요.
일반 미팅정보는 올리지 마세요.
Club - Club Event / Contest -
Area - Club Visit / Contest / Area Council
Division - COT / Contest / Div. Council / Etc
District - Trio / Managers / Committee Chairs / DEC / DCM
Region - Region Advisor / Region News
International - International email letter
Conference - Conference Chair / Team
카테고리 안내
작성권한 디스트릭트 오피서 및 위원회 의장
The 2nd Online Region Gathering for Region 14 will take place on Saturday, August 20 th as part of the 2022 Toastmasters International Convention!
Save the date! Looking forward to seeing everyone online!
Mattew Mak, DTM
Region 14 Advisor