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2024-2025 DISTRICT 93 VISION


디스트릭트 공고

DivisionDivision A Speech Contest (21st April)

HyoJung Woo
2 Apr 2024
Views 584

Hello my fellow Toastmasters,

This is HyoJung Woo, 2023-2024 Division A Director.

Spring is here, bringing with it a sense of renewal, and the spring of speech in Division A has coming.

I’m reaching out to announce you about an upcoming event: the Division A Speech Contest, scheduled to take place at Shinhan L Gangnam Tower in Seonneug Station(선릉역) on Sunday, 21 Apr, starting at 2 pm Korea Standard Time.

We have 15 amazing speeches lined up, and I hope many Toastmasters will attend and cheer the contestants and make network each other.

Many role takers are diligently preparing for this contest, and your confirmation of attendance via the registration link below would greatly assist us in our planning and preparation efforts.

Registration link: Division A Speech Contest - Registration

We will provide tea/coffee and snacks. In the spirit of sustainability, please remember to bring your own tumbler. Additionally, I encourage you to share constructive feedback to the speakers after their speeches. We've prepared small notes for you, so please bring a pen along with you.

Essentials: Constructive energy, A Tumbler, A Pen

We look forward to seeing many of you there.

Thank you.

Warm wishes,

HyoJung Woo

Division A Director 2023-2024 / District 93, Vibrant Toastmasters

KakakoTalk: woosjjungs


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