Continue the Momentum

2024-2025 DISTRICT 93 VISION


디스트릭트 공고

DistrictNovember 26th Workshop (Bilingual/Online)

Scott W Kines
6 Nov 2023
Views 629

Greetings D93 members! Our next workshop is especially designed for club VPEs, but club presidents are also encouraged to attend. The focus will be on Pathways and filling meeting roles. 

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클럽과 디스트릭트의 행사 및 소식을 올려주세요.
일반 미팅정보는 올리지 마세요.

Club - Club Event / Contest - 

Area - Club Visit / Contest / Area Council

Division - COT / Contest / Div. Council / Etc

District - Trio / Managers / Committee Chairs / DEC / DCM

Region - Region Advisor / Region News

International - International email letter

Conference - Conference Chair / Team


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