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ABOUT ㅣ 소개

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Dive Deep into Evening Program



컨퍼런스 이브닝프로그램위원회

My vision is for all members to laugh and enjoy themselves while mingling with others!

모든 사람들이 이브닝 프로그램 내내 다른 사람들과 함께 어우러지면서 한껏 웃고 즐기는 것! 

Angie Kim, CC, CL 김현지

Evening Program Chair

- 2018 Signature Toastmasters l President

- 2019-2020 District 93 Executive Committee l Area A12 Director

- 2019 District 93 Conference l Education Chair

The reason I joined conference this year is to re-experience amazing power of people and collaboration. 

제가 이번년도 컨퍼런스에 조인하게 된 이유는 놀라운 사람과 협업의 힘을 다시 경험하기 위함입니다.

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We build new clubs and support all clubs in achieving excellence.

District Mission