ABOUT ㅣ 소개
Dive Deep into Venue
컨퍼런스 행사장위원회
Prepare and serve everything at a suitable time and place for the best moment!
깊이, 토마속으로!
Jaewoo Lim, CC ㅣ 임재우
Venue Chair
- Member, COEX Toastmasters
- 2016 2H Seargeant At Arm @ COEX
- 2017 1H President @ COEX
- 2017 2H VP Education @ COEX
- 2018 2H ~ 2019 1H Area 32 Director
- 2020 1H President @ COEX
I’m from COEX TM and want to expand my experience beyond my working career through Toastmasters Unfortunately, I had no chance to join the previous conference due to biz trip and other appointments. But I really want to attend this time and even better as a committee member!
Chris Kim, CC l 김태윤
Vice Venue Chair
- Member, Ilsan Standard Toastmasters
- Vice President of Public Relations, 2018
- Vice President of Membership, 2017
Hi! I'm Chris Kim, a member of Ilsan Standard Toastmasters. I am serving as a vice chair of the venue committee for this conference. I have joined the conference team to learn about communication and leadership skills from other experienced members. I am truly privileged to be a part of this amazing conference team.
안녕하세요! 저는 일산스탠다드 토스트마스터즈 회원 김태윤입니다. 이번 컨퍼런스팀에서 행사장 부위원장을 맡고있습니다. 저는 다른 경험있는 회원들로부터 소통과 리더십능력을 배우고자 이번 컨퍼런스팀에 합류하게 되었습니다. 이렇게 멋진 컨퍼런스팀의 일원이 될 수 있어서 큰 영광입니다.
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