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Dive Deep into Conference



컨퍼런스 의장

Dive Deep into Toastmasters! 

깊이, 토마속으로!

Sean Jung, DTM 정성출

Conference Chair

- Member of 4 clubs (Sinchon TM/Facilitation TM/S-Oil TM/Nomadic TM)

- 2019-2020 District 93 Executive Committee l Area A20 Director

- 2018-2019 Division A Council l Assistant Division Director Program Quality

- 2017-2018 District 93 Executive Committee l Finance Manager

- 2017-2018 District 93 Pathways Launch Team l Pathways Guide

- 2019 District 93 Conference l Education Committee

- Nomadic Toastmasters l Sponsor

Through this conference, I would like to give Toastmasters in District 93 a DEEP experience. Delight at every moment. Excitement to see the grand finale. Expectation to attend the 2021 conference. Pride of being a part of Toastmasters.

2020 컨퍼런스에서 여러분에게 DEEP한 경험을 드리겠습니다. 역대급 즐거움 Delight, 끝까지 흥미진진함 Excitement, 다음 컨퍼런스 기대 Expectation, 토마인으로서 자부심 Pride을 맘껏 누리세요.

Hyein Lee, CC, SR1  l  이혜인

Member, Mashinnun Korean Toastmasters

- Past President, Sinchon Toastmasters

- Member, Club Tour Committee, 2019-2020 District 93

- Team Leader, PR Committee, 2018-2019 District 93

- Chair, PR Committee, 2018 District 93 Conference "Festival: Experience the Best"

- Chair, Finance Committee, 2017 District 93 Fall Conference "One Toastmasters: One for All, All for One"

I joined the conference team to give 3 things to myself: more dynamic learning experiences, opportunities to grow and fellowship with other committee members from all over the district. But I failed to achieve these goals; I've got much more than what I expected from the conference! :) 

저는 더욱 역동적인 배움의 경험, 성장의 기회, 디스트릭트 곳곳의 멋진 컨퍼런스 위원회 분들과의 끈끈한 유대감이라는 3가지를 저 자신에게 주기 위해 컨퍼런스팀에 합류했습니다. 하지만 목표 달성에 실패하고 말았는데요ㅠㅠ 컨퍼런스를 준비하며 기대했던 것 그 이상을 얻고 있기 때문이죠! :)


Anna Joohye Kim, CC, CL  l  김주혜
Conference MC

- Member, CETM & GLTM

- 2016-2017 District 93 Executive Committee l Finance Manager

- 2015-2016 District 93 Executive Committee l Area B21 Director

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “Be not the slave of your own past- plunge into the sublime seas, dive deep, and swim far, so you shall come back with new self-respect, with new power, and with an advanced experience that shall explain and overlook the old.”

As the MC of 2020 District 93 Conference, I would like to take this opportunity to dive deep into the ocean called “Toastmasters” with you together to know better what we can achieve! Are you ready for this wonderful adventure? See you all at 2020 District 93 Conference.

이번 컨퍼런스 MC의 기회를 주셔서 감사합니다. 새로운 도전과 성장의 기회가 넘치는- 깊고 넓은 바다와 같은 토스트마스터즈! 2020년도 컨퍼런스 항해가 순항할 수 있도록 MC Anna도 준비 열심히 하겠습니다. 그럼, 2020년 5월 16일, 17일- 컨퍼런스에서 뵙겠습니다!

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